New Year

the view to the west from the end of our dock

Is there ever a better way to start the new year than with a new outlook? And a better way to find a new outlook than to change your point of view? Does this post sound like a women’s magazine article yet?

We have moved to a new marina, one full of classic yachts and legally liveaboard closer to downtown Ballard, the hotdog cart, the gym, tacos, the farmers’ market, the fabric store… Yay yay yay.

While our old space was essential to the reconstruction process, it was time to move on to a more formal arrangement. I am a lucky girl to find this spot so close to the land things I like best and as close to the sound and adventure as possible.



First big winter storm of the season. Daniel got home this morning after doing a delivery for a friend. They elected to run straight in from Oregon, hoping to miss the big blow that we are all now anticipating with the mix of snow-day eagerness and natural-disaster dread. I have observed all the heavy-weather rituals, however; baked bread, made soup, pressed water tanks, checked the weather like I have ocd. Now there’s nothing to do but drink hot rum and sit by the fire.

The physics of failure

AV at Rosario

So, every agrees fixing the mast shouldn’t be a problem–new dutchman, maybe some penetrating epoxy–but not a total system failure. The shipwrights and ancient mariners seem united is their assessment of our condition: They’ve seen worse…

The greater question is no longer “how are going to fix this?” but “how do we get it down to fix?”